Effective October 21, 2024, Shuta Aoki has been appointed as the new president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Marukome USA, Inc. He is the fifth generation of the Aoki family, which has been running Marukome for 170 years. "I am truly honored to return to...
We are excited to announce the launch of the English version of our web magazine, "Hakkoubishoku (発酵美食)." This platform celebrates Japan's rich culinary traditions and the art of fermentation. Join us as we explore Japanese cuisine, discover the beauty of fermented foods, and savor the...
Join us for an immersive learning experience at our hands-on showroom's soft opening. Located next to the Marukome California Miso Factory, our showroom offers a unique opportunity to engage all your senses and learn about the world of fermentation, the history of miso factories, and...
On May 10th, 2024, our chairman, Mr. Aoki, was delighted to lecture “Miso Mastery- A Journey from Tradition to Innovation-” at Georgetown University. This conference was planned as part of a biomedical graduate school education. With a growing body of research tying microbiome health to...
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